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Archive - July 2011

Keeping a Home Safe While Away

Did you know that if you inform your local police department that you are going to be on vacation they will increase patrols in your area to check in on your house while you are away? Any time we leave our home for more than a week or two, we inform the police department in our city. They have a form online that we can complete that asks you for your address, when...

100 Days… Unlimited Possibilities…

Many people have asked: How does one go about planning a 100 day trip? My only response is lots and lots of research. We started by determining the dates of travel. We knew we had a window of time that we could take this trip (leaving after a family wedding but being home for Thanksgiving). The original travel dates planned would have come to a total of 98 days so we...

5 Things I Can’t Wait to Experience on the Journey

As we get closer to departure, I’ve had some time to reflect on some of the things I am looking forward to as we travel to New Zealand, Australia, and beyond.  Would love to get your suggestions and input too! Left Handed Driving I’m sure that most Kiwis and Australians right now are probably sounding alarms for the previous admission, but I must admit...

Your Music Favorites = The Next Journey Playlist

As long as I can remember, listening to music was, and continues to be, such an important part of everyday life… Growing up, my parents would start each morning blasting Ronny Milsap (“I’m having daydreams, about night things, in the middle of the afternoon…”) on the record player at 33rpm. I remember at my Aunt’s and Uncle’s...

Something More

This song has inspired me twice now.  Once when I left my job of five years to go back to school full time to get my MBA and now as we embark on our next journey.  I’m hoping that you can listen to the words and let it inspire you. I’m not recommending that anyone walk into work today and quit your job.  However, I do recommend that you start to ask if...

Mythbusters: How Can You Afford This?

“Mythbusters” posts will address some common misconceptions about career breaks and global travel. This post is to answer one of the questions we have received most often when telling our family and friends that we leaving our jobs to travel:  How can you afford this? No, we are not independently wealthy.  No, a wealthy long-lost relative did not die and...

I’m in Checklist Chaos… Where’s the Exit, Please?

“I can’t wait to board the plane…   I can’t wait to board the plane…” It’s turning into a mantra that I continue to recite to myself as I once again fold the lined 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper in half, in half again, and one final fold to get the result to a manageable size.  As I tuck it away, this sheet joins its brothers and sisters as just one of a stack...